
Welcome! I'm Gleb, a full-stack developer with a focus on DevOps and ML/MLOps engineering. Or, in simpler terms, I code things and occasionally break them...

Early on, I had thoughts of being a software engineer, investment banker, or bodybuilder. Ultimately, I ended up at the Higher School of Economics, where I studied both Computer Science and Finance. This helps me understand not only the technical side of things but also the business aspects of projects. Outside of work, I enjoy hitting the weights at the gym. Who knows, maybe I'll end up as a bodybuilder after all if Devin AI is gonna make it? 🤔

Here, you’ll find a collection of resources I’ve found valuable. Dive in, and I hope you discover some tools and materials useful for yourself. Also, you can check out my Telegram channel in the footer below; it's where I share thoughts and materials in a more freestyle format.